The Swim Spot Technique

By L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. and Ahmed Hakami


We program ourselves every time we set our own maps for the territories “out there.” In this we can say that every single aspect in life is a real part in our programs. In this also we have possibilities of experiencing positive, negative, or mixed programs.

NLP, Neuro-Semantics, and other technologies of that take a solution-focus approach to things work generally on ridding ourselves of negative programs and replacing them with ones that are healthy and positive instead. Most of patterns and techniques are aimed directly to help people to free themselves from the kind of negative thoughts that imprison them.

To make this happen we need many patterns and techniques that work primarily on building the positive solution-focus thinking as a mechanism within our mind-body-emotion system. It is through the ability of being positive solution-focused thinker as a basic characteristic in our personality that we become truly able to face whatever life throws at us in a satisfactory manner.

The following technique is very easy and serves this purpose perfectly. When someone practices it regularly, he or she would have the talent of having the positive solution-focus look in every given situation. The idea comes from two sources. The first from the primary question of Anthony Robbins, “How can I find and appreciate—or even more—the ‘perfection of this moment’?” The second comes from The Matrix Model (2003) by L. Michael Hall.

The Matrix

From the perspective of the Matrix model, we all live within a matrix (i.e., culture, civilization, human conditioning, frame of references, etc.), a matrix that controls all of our systems. We have no choice but to handle things according to our own previous and current programs which we obtained through education, culture, etc. We can think of those programs as our matrix (our matrix of frames). It is in this way that the Matrix can have us!

When, however, we wake up to the Matrix, then the time comes for us to build a healthy super matrix and let it works for our good. We will create this Matrix consciously and it will grow up to be a very natural part of our mind-body system. As a Matrix, it is mostly content free—just a technology of using our mind in a positive solution-focused way. And when that happens, it becomes a habit of mind.

The Technique

What do we need to set up such a system? What do we need to create a set of frames that represent a solution-focused way of seeing the world?

All we need is to set random alarms that will remind us to stop for a moment, and go directly to our SWIM SPOT. Yes, it is so easy. Now SWIM SPOT is the acronym that Dr. Hall uses for the 7 essential matrices of Neuro-Semantics which spin around any basic neuro-linguistic state. Simply this means that if you take any thinking-sensing-emoting state, you will find it build up of the meanings we give to these seven category of things. And this, of course, is how “The map is not the territory.” These meanings relate either consciously or unconsciously to our understanding, evaluating, association, classifying, and framing of the 7 essential matrices which are: Meaning, Intention, Self, Power, Time, Others, and World (for more about this, see the references).

Are you ready to build your positive solution-focused Matrix? Good. Then take few deep breathes and relax your body, your mind relaxes soon after. Now gently draw your intention inside, and softly talk to your mind as you let it shift its direction toward the matrices of the positive new state that you want to operate from. Now adopt a positive solution-focus look towards every matrix by giving a short healthy suggestion, quotation, or repeating a affirmation few times. The following offers some examples of this:

Meaning: I have the ability of meaning-making and I give the positive meaning to things and know that I have the right to have only healthy map to any territory. Or, I can and will use healthy labels to name the world I live in.

Intention: My intention is to always get the best of any giving moment, and here I am working on it or on some positive tracks to enrich it.

State: I am mastering my life, as life is all just this moment, this pure given state that I have control of, and control of life as well. Or, I have mastery of this moment.

Self: I will take care of myself and love myself the way I am, and I will enjoy working on perfecting my self in all possible ways. Or I will continue to expand my sense of self-fulfillment.

Power: I have the power and the ability to control my life and to be a positive part in the streaming power of life itself. Or, I will accept and exercise the power of life.

Others: Others, like me, are just different mind-body systems, and all have their angelic side and I will tap to that side of others. Or, I will look for and support the unity of all living beings.

World: My world is wonderful and full with love and peace, and I can easily direct my thoughts to that side of my world or to the beauty of the world.

Time: Time is my ally; this moment has a positive past, enjoyable present, and a healthy future. Or I will focus on living in an eternal moment of happy and pleasant time.

Useful Tips

Practice this technique as many times as possible. Do so until you amaze yourself and others with having a positive solution- focused view about any issue that arises. Also, practice it randomly. Let reminders surprise you. And when you get the reminder in a time that you find it hard to practice, do your best to have a few moments to do it as quickly as possible by scanning all matrices from this kind of positive perspective.

Use your imagination and have a vivid exciting images, sounds and feelings for every matrix. As you keep using the process, vary your suggestions and use metaphors or stories instead of direct suggestions or affirmations. If you practice meditation or self hypnosis, you can utilize the SWIM SPOT frames to meet your objectives and develop a greater mastery of your matrix.


Robbins wonders how to find and appreciate (even more) “the perfection of this moment.” I understand that a perfection of any moment is a perfect state, a perfect program, a perfect reference, a perfect matrix etc. If so, then the perfection of a moment is the perfection of the state we live in that moment. And the perfection of the that state depends obviously on the program (mind-body-emotion interaction) that runs the state. Therefore, having the mechanism of a positive solution-focused perspective (consciously and unconsciously) and by building positive thoughts around essential frames that control our mind-body-emotion system, we build up a healthy system. Then all you need is to enjoy and appreciate the positive side of any given moment of time.

Now, with the Matrix model and the 7 matrices of our frames, we can start working consciously on random moments of our life. By using the SWIM SPOT we can develop that kind of thinking as trait of our personality. And when people begin thinking in this way, they will be able to easily disassociate from limiting states and find solutions for most of problems.


Hall, L. Michael (2003). The Matrix Model: The 7 Matrices of Neuro-Semantics. Clifton, CO: Neuro-Semantics Publications.


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